Contact Us
At Collared Creatures LTD we pride ourselves on open and honest customer service, the foundations that the business was built on is something we want to continue to strive for. For that very reason, you will often find us replying to your queries at most times, whether that be via social media or email. We are here to help and are happy to share our knowledge and support you to the best of our ability.
To Contact our customer service Department please use one of the methods below
Phone us on:- 03335777770
Write to us at
Collared Creatures LTD, Unit 1, Cross Hill Farm, Highgate, Balne, Goole, DN14 0ES
Company Registration No 13290164
Customer service office hours:- 8.30am-4.00pm Monday to Thursday 8.30am-1.00pm Fridays
We can always be contacted directly by email or reached through one of our Social media accounts: Facebook, Instagram or Pinterest.